
Is it hard to become a writer?

Today we are going to take a deep look into the question, is it hard to become a writer?

No. All you do is think up words and write them down. You are now a writer.

Is it hard to become a good writer?

Yes and no. Yes, because you will need to put in the time to learn your craft. No, because all you need to do is invest enough time to learn your craft.

They say to master something, you need to invest about one thousand hours into it. Fortunately for most of us, we learned to write at a young age and have probably had to do so throughout our entire education and probably at work too.

Of course, most of our day-to-day writing is not story telling. That is a skill you will have to work on.

It is true that some people seem to take to writing and storytelling with ease. Good for them. For the rest of us, hard work and dedication are the keys to the kingdom.

So, is it hard to become a writer? No, yes, no, yes, sort of, defiantly, maybe, no, yes, it depends…

What do you think?

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