Useful tools for writers from Thanet Creative

The Expanded Character Template

This is the extended version of the Character Template that Thanet Creative: Writers came up with. It is designed to prompt you to create details around your characters. Including who they are, who they know, what they love or hate, and the path (personal development) they will take through your story.

As this is a template, when you click on it you will open a new untitled file with all the forms, tables, and other elements already in place. You will also see a page of guidance for each page of information. You can leave that as is or remove it once you are done with it.

This template is free for personal use.

You will need Libre Office or Open Office to use this file. Both are free.

The Basic Character Template

This is like the expanded template but only has the main character details sheet. This is good for supporting characters that maybe need less definition.

This template is free for personal use.

You will need Libre Office or Open Office to use this file. Both are free.

The Word Counter Tool

This is a custom tool created in response to a writer’s request for something to count the words in a story.

You will get:

  • Your word count.
  • A list of most used words.
  • A list of least used words.
  • The number of unique words.
  • A chart of word sizes.

The tool does not save the text of your writing. It produces the report and then instantly forgets.

Use the words counted tool