test reader

All Genre feedback

This evening marks the first meeting of our revived all genre feedback sessions.

When Thanet Creative started back in 2013, we started as a place for writers to bring work and get support and feedback from other writers. That has been a part of Tea and Chat but as the event has matured it has become its own thing quite distinct from our feedback and critique events.

That is why we have been talking about holding a dedicated beta reading, feedback, and critique evening for some time now. That time is now. Literally, today.

The first meeting of the All Genre Feedback group will take place at the London Tavern (Margate) in the Black Room. That is the same venue that we have held writer and creative socials before.

We will kick off at half past seven (1930) and end arround ten.

The venue

The event will take place on Tuesday evenings at half past seven in the London Tavern, Margate.

The London Tavern Margate offers a range of drinks (including real ales) and the privacy of a function room so we can relax, spread out, and get support from fellow writers. There will be plenty of space if you just want to write in good company but our main focus will be reading each others writing and offering our helpful and constructive feedback.

The London Tavern is located in Addington Street, near Cecil Square.

There is on-street parking just outside. The nearest bus stop is a short walk away at is Cecil Square.

What to expect

I will bring along copies of the beta-reading feedback sheets that we have previously shared in our Facebook group should you want to use them.

Writers and creative people of all types are welcome to simply come, socialise and offer feedback to other writers. You do not have to bring anything but if you want feedback, bring four or five copies of something we’ve not seen before and try to limit it to five sides of A4 in a readable font size.

You can read your work out if you want but, usually, we quietly read and make notes in the margin. After reading (or hearing) the group will offer a few minutes of feedback.

If there are too many of us we will split into two or three groups of four to six people (along very approximate genre lines) so everyone can get the benefit of some peer-sourced feedback.

You do not have to be a Thanet Creative member as this event is open to everyone. All that we ask is that you have a genuine interest in writing or supporting writers.

For more information check out the event page on Facebook.


  1. Sorry I missed this, we had an unexpected guest who stayed too long. Hope it was a great evening, feedback is so important to writers Hope to make the next meeting.

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