I asked a panel of experts for their most helpful tips for giving great feedback to aspiring writers. I was not disappointed with the replies.
Most of the experts had something to say about giving feedback. Others had equally interesting and potentially helpful tips that were somewhat tangential to the question. If you like, as you read you can play, “Who read the question?”
Without further ado, let’s dive into the replies I got:
Balance Encouragement and Constructive Feedback

For me, the most important aspect of giving feedback to an aspiring writer is to find the balance between encouragement and feedback on how to improve. Too much encouragement and they won’t feel the need to make their work better. Too much feedback on improving it and they feel defeated. In my informal coaching of writers, I find that focusing on “advice” rather than “feedback” is the key. I ask questions to encourage them to figure out how they can grow rather than what they are doing wrong. The goal is to inspire them to keep going, not give up. One question that I always ask myself when giving advice is, “Will what I am sharing help them take a next step or be an obstacle to their progress?”
Jones Loflin, Keynote Speaker and Author, Helping Others Prepare for Excellence
Give Respectful and Honest Feedback

As an editor, giving feedback is one of the most crucial parts of my job, and it’s something I enjoy. However, I’ve also been on the other side and have received feedback; I know as a writer that it can feel like a risk sharing your work with others. If you are in the position to give a writer feedback, it’s essential that you do so in a respectful, honest, and balanced manner with an aim to help the writer improve.
Point out when a writer does something well, but also offer (polite) constructive criticism on ways the writer can improve their craft. I think new editors are sometimes afraid of coming across as harsh, which is understandable, but it’s entirely possible to critique someone in a kind way. Personally, I’ve seen my writing grow the most when I implement constructive feedback, and I’ve also seen other writers improve when they’re willing to do the same.
Writers need feedback to get better. You can provide the best possible commentary and help writers grow when you give candid, balanced responses that respect the writer’s work and aim to help them succeed.
Emily Deaton, Editor and Book Coach, KWE Publishing
Read Like a Writer

Read great writing—like a writer. We normally read for pleasure or to learn something, but reading like a writer means reading for craft. Instead of focusing on content, read to understand how the book is written. Every piece of writing follows a form of some kind (this can be a genre, like sci-fi or memoir) and the writer applies their style to the form (like how Stephen King writes horror novels differently than Dean Koontz). Sometimes they innovate on the form, too.
So, take your favorite writer and ask yourself: What do you like about their writing? What form or style is the writer using? For example, I really admire Todd Herman’s self-help book, “The Alter Ego Effect.” I noticed that he writes a lot of stories with dialogue (using conventions of fiction writing) and carries an extended metaphor of superheroes to teach his ideas—and that happens throughout the entire book. He also creates his own proper nouns to teach his proprietary usages, like the “Heroic Self.” I also like how he breaks up the chapters with bold headings for sub-sections when the narrative shifts, which keeps me visually engaged.
Keep a list of the writing conventions and styles you like and practice them. Decide which ones you want to emulate in your writing. And when you’re reading something you don’t enjoy, ask yourself: What don’t you like about the writing? Those might be things to avoid so you don’t write a book you wouldn’t enjoy reading.
Cindy Childress, Founder, Childress Business Communication
Use Empathy and Focus on Growth

My most helpful tip for giving feedback to aspiring writers is to approach the process with empathy and a focus on growth. Begin by acknowledging the strengths of their work—this builds confidence and encourages them to keep improving. When addressing areas for improvement, be specific and constructive. Frame your feedback in a way that offers solutions, such as suggesting alternative phrasing or approaches. It’s also essential to tailor your feedback to the writer’s goals; ask them what they hope to achieve with their work. Finally, remember that feedback is a dialog, not a one-way street. Encourage writers to ask questions and view the process as collaborative.
Ade Robinson, Editor-in-chief, Music Production Nerds
Start With Strengths, Then Improve

When I read, I always start with what the author did well. For instance, they might have nailed the style or the tone. That makes them feel good before they work on things they could do better, like making their points stronger or clearer. I could say something like, “I really like how you organized your introduction.” Now let’s work on making the ending stronger. This balance helps the person not only keep going, but also get things done. When you respond, be clear and nice, and think about what will happen next. This way helps writers feel up instead of down, and it also makes them want to keep learning.
Benjamin Tom, Digital Marketing Expert and Utility Specialist, Electricity Monster
Provide Specific Examples and Actionable Advice

I understand the importance of providing constructive feedback to aspiring writers. My most helpful tip is to focus on specific examples and actionable advice. Instead of simply stating that something “needs improvement,” I provide specific examples of what could be improved and offer concrete suggestions for how to do so.
For instance, instead of saying, “The introduction is weak,” I might say, “The introduction could be strengthened by adding a compelling anecdote or a more impactful hook.” This type of specific feedback helps writers understand the areas where they can improve and provides them with actionable steps to take.
Diana Royanto, Writer, Milkwhale
Promote Your Writing Boldly

Let everyone know what you do.
I was years into my writing career and I still had people ask, “Oh, when did you start doing that?” or “Is that a hobby?” or “Did you always enjoy writing for fun?”
People don’t realize that writing can be more than a hobby, and people can make a living doing it. But you have to be bold and show off what you do, don’t be shy about “offending” people on your social media accounts by posting self-promotional bits, and certainly let people know this is your career and you’re just as proud as any other business owner out there.
Scott Sery, Copywriter, Sery Content Development
Balance Praise With Actionable Insights

I’ve found that truly impactful feedback includes a balance of praise with actionable insights. For example, when I mentor writers, I first highlight what they did well, such as writing a compelling hook. Recognizing their strengths helps with their confidence and sets them up for a little bit of critiquing.
I then move into the areas that need improvement. But I’m careful with how I phrase this feedback. Instead of saying that a portion of the writing is weak, I might recommend specific edits. I also encourage them to ask follow-up questions, which helps it feel more like a conversation.
Dan Brown, CEO & Founder, Textun
Overcome Doubts and Keep Learning

Aspiring writers can stumble at various stages of their creative process. The first stage is, “Can I write?”
Tip: If you don’t think you can, the doubt itself would not be there. The desire backs the doubt, so it means you want to, if you want to, you would learn it if you have a gap, and then you would become a good writer.
“What will others think of my writings?”
Tip: Start by thinking that others will laugh at your writing. But as you persevere, you will find people who believe in it.
“What is the next stage in the writing process?”
Tip: Keep learning; there is no age where you need to stop learning. So keep going; keep improving. Becoming a writer is as hard as becoming an astronaut. A good education or a good hand is not enough. Knowing how to improvise oneself every moment and being ready for it is what will ultimately work.
“Will my book sell?”
Tip: This is a fear, and it’s good to be scared, but not acting is not a possibility. Depending on your abilities, a small step each day could go a long way.
Other tips:
1. Empty and fill your cup at least once a day, and it could be on any topic.
2. Write what comes to mind; don’t worry what people think.
3. Listen better.
4. Study characters around you more often.
5. Find your favorite characters from life even if you are not writing about them.
6. Talk to yourself every day for 15 minutes.
7. Be thick-skinned. Remember the woods would be very silent if only the best birds sang.
Snehashree Mandal, Writer, TST
Over to you
Did our experts miss anything? What tip for giving feedback to writers would you offer?
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