Here is a big list of all the posts that we have published on this blog. Some of the oldest ones are actually imported from our former blog so the archive goes way back before this blog was here.
Some of the oldest posts are actually imported from our former blog so the archive goes way back before this blog was here.
Curated Archives
Full Archive of blog posts
- Tips by Experts for Giving Feedback to Aspiring Writers
- Thanet Creative wishes you all an inspired and fulfilling new year
- How Arms Trafficking Actually Works
- Writers’ research: Profiling serial killers and stalkers for New Scotland Yard
- Where imposter syndrome hits me hardest
- Thanet Creative’s last writers’ night of 2024 is the 5th of December
- Oops. Words Counted is now working again
- Reminder: Our writers’ night is every Thursday at the Wheatsheaf in Margate
- The only failure in writing is giving up
- Thanet Creative’s website gets a fresh new look
- Writers, have you ever felt like an imposter?
- Questions for writers
- The easiest way to fix a broken story according to Jed Herne
- First Writers’ Meet and Critique Evening of 2024
- Neil Gaiman on the antidote to rejection
- My problem with “was”
- 5 hard-won editing tips
- A conversation with a journaling coach
- 25 words most writers should avoid
- MixMatched Margate: A Spoken Word Night
- Word of the Week: Eldritch
- Word of the Week: Flabbergast
- Word of the Week: Myriad
- Word of the Week: Anthropomorphize
- Word of the Week: Interlocutor
- Writing Challenge: Describe a villain using only praise
- Word of the Week: EschewÂ
- Writing Challenge: Describe yellow without using the word yellow
- Word of the Week: Anachronism
- Writing Challenge: Describe a character
- The writing challenge and platform builder
- Word of the Week: Vocabulary
- How to use templates
- Freedom Art Competition for 13 to 18 year-olds (free)
- The Power of Visual Descriptions
- Writers’ night is back – now in The Mulberry Tree
- Due to the risk of the Omicron Variant of COVID-19, live events will continue to be on hold
- Wishing you all a creative Christmas
- Writing Strategy: On Getting Inspired Everyday
- This is how you stop character names giving you writer’s block
- Tunbridge Wells Poetry Festival
- Glenn Gers: If you can’t answer these 6 questions you don’t have a story
- Do you make these two newbie writing mistakes?
- Trap doors, off-ramps, and the monsters in waiting
- On Worldbuilding — Island Civilisations
- Word Choice: The secret power of a great writer
- What do you want to learn about WordPress?
- Which creative activities get you hyped?
- What is your dream creative job?
- Five places you can find inspiration
- Writers explore fame
- Writing better dialogue in 5 minutes with Jim Driver
- OSE are seeking applications from emerging artists and writers
- Different but the same (site news)
- How to find the perfect writing group
- Does it throw readers to change tenses?
- The secret price of success when… (please don’t copy this article)
- Inspiration for your NaNoWriMo attempt
- One surprising trick to make your descriptions pop
- The price of success as a sequel seed
- The power of what if
- Thanet Creative online events
- Some books should not have sequels
- Dialogue and dialogue tags
- Writing competition Hi 2020
- Writers explore research for fiction
- The challenges of first-person perspective
- Story endings good and bad
- How to create three-dimensional characters
- The use of tenses and narrative viewpoints
- Thanet Creative Skills Centre
- Social engagement boost
- Make your Word Processor work harder
- Is it hard to become a writer?
- Writers investigate: Bloody murder
- How are you passing the time?
- Live Storytime with H. E. Theatre Kids
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Thanet Creative Events
- H. E. Theatre Kids
- Photography’s Magic Hour
- A selection of writing prompts
- Flaws maketh character
- The last few meetings of 2019
- A muse for your NaNoWriMo
- Writer’s night is back
- How Zipf’s law applies to every writer’s word count
- A great week of children’s workshops
- A week of creative writing workshops for children
- Do you actually value your writing?
- This blog selected for Top 20 Creative Writing Blogs
- Writing a business plan for your writing
- Writing a letter from your main character
- How to publish a guest post
- 6 Questions to ask a new writing group
- 5 Signs your writing group is a real treasure
- 10 Facebook groups for writers
- Ten signs your writing group is bad for you
- Writer’s anxiety: How to live with and overcome it
- You start with what you know; not stick to it
- Is “said” really so bad?
- Our new Words Counted tool for writers
- How to write a prologue that isn’t horrible
- On illustrating blog posts about writing
- Terminate your inner racist through creative writing
- How to receive advice as a writer
- Advice on giving advice
- Getting a good literary agent
- Perfection vs good enough?
- Give your WiP some love this valentines day
- Copyright as applied in UK law
- Charles Dickens on taking a break now and then
- How to use the scene-sequel cycle to steer your plot
- What are your creative goals for the year ahead?
- Beware of fake Thanet Creative social media accounts
- 10 Questions to ask your beta readers
- Kent Fiction Writers
- Enhance your creative new year plans
- Christmas – a gift for writers
- All Genre feedback
- Tips for Winning NaNoWriMo
- NaNoWriMo in Thanet
- Novelists Writer’s Circle
- Getting Started with Story Writing
- When and where do you write?
- Are your characters always you?
- Minimum Viable Story
- Questions: Surviving the apocalypse
- Thanet Creative’s first virtual meet-up
- Thanet Creative: Summer Barbeque
- Writers Explore: Writing a Jewish character
- A brief look at Kafka
- Advice for sourcing stock images
- Commit to making mistakes
- A different vision of the future of local libraries
- Expand and integrate your author platform
- Failure is not fatal
- How professional writers embrace necessary mess
- The lie of the so-called “natural writer”
- What do you mean “show; don’t tell”?
- The basics of every story ever
- Using items as story prompts
- The man in the silver suit
- Why you should (not) write for us
- Stop worrying about active or passive voice
- A fresh new look for summer
- Thanet Creative: Charity Trustees Update
- Crafting a character backstory like an RPG player
- The scene and scene-sequel
- Overcoming Writer’s Block
- Dealing with aggressive comments
- A vision for Thanet Creative
- Three questions every test reader should ask
- A day of social meetups for Thanet’s writers
- Snow vs Writer Events
- Final Week of Platform Building
- Awesome Blogger Awards – February Week 3
- Awesome Blogger Awards – February Week 2
- The Thanet Canute cybersquats
- Awesome Blogger Awards: FAQ
- Awesome Blogger Awards – February Week 1
- Awesome Blogger Awards 2018
- What is cooperative blogging?
- Spotlight on you
- Look after all your group
- Do you like our new look?
- We want to help our members produce published works
- Tea and Chat 2018
- This is the year your writing gets better
- You can’t own an idea
- The five types of antagonist
- Pitch us your ideas
- The Business of Writing
- Brandon Sanderson’s rules of magic
- Writing a sense of place according to the Internet
- Writers Explore: Disposing of a dead body
- NaNoWriMo meet up – Margate
- Technobabble: Good or bad?
- NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow, are you ready?
- Writers of Thanet
- Do you NaNoWriMo?
- Why we need to write fewer white male protagonists
- September’s Winner and Sunday’s challenge.
- Having fun at a writer’s group
- World Building: Alien Numbers
- Writers Explore: Mental Illness
- Why adding your voice to ours matters
- Advice on writing better
- How many of these hack writing techniques are you guilty of?
- How to write interesting and compelling female characters
- What makes you a good writer?
- September Writing Competition
- 5 ways to blog from Thanet now
- What do we mean by “Thanet’s writers”?
- Thanet Creative (formally Thanet Creative Writers)
- Hello world!
- How a platform got Andy Weir published
- Creating a safe space for writers
- Don’t let Imposter Syndrome stop you